Happy as a Lion
Well, fellows I have only been here a week and I've already had enough adventures for a lifetime. These include, but are not limited to: having a hyena drag our trash out of our kitchen and into the yard, sleeping out under the stars with a bunch of scorpions, nearly running smack into a very large territorial bull hippo (we saw almost the full threat display--very impressive), walking to within five meters of a male cheetah coalition, and getting very very close to three of the most beautiful creatures I have ever seen (male lions: Lex, Luther, and Zero). I have already fallen head over toes for Luther, which is unfortunate for Jeff. I will have fantastic pictures and videos when I return, and I'll try to get you all a picture of Luther when I am able to post again, so that you too may fall in love with him.
Every night I am so tired that I fall right asleep and don't even hear all the animals outside peering in through the windows (no exaggeration). That's a good thing I suppose, but its kind of a shame. I'd like to see the hyena (Giggles) looking at me at 4 in the morning. I haven't seen her yet.
Ok, I've got to run around the mall here in town and run errands for everyone else back at the reserve. I'm having fun, and I'm keeping a full species list for anyone interested. Maybe I can post a bit of it later.
Keep on keeping on, and don't miss me too much. And Arjun, there are few women I would recommend you to. And my poor fish died!!!! Thanks for taking care of them Laura!
Love you all very much, and thanks for the comments. They make me happy!
Happy trails.
Sounds good, Cady!
Pig wants me to ask you if there are any pigs over there. And if they are as pretty as she is. And we both miss you a lot, but are glad that you are having fun, fun, fun.
Does anyone who is looking at this know anything about Cady's cell phone? i.e. how much can I chat, chat, chat on it? When do "nights" start, and what about weekends? How much can I talk if it is not a night or weekend?
How many comments can I leave? Many, many comments.
Cady. E-Mail me at reed5618@bellsouth.net
cady! wow life is exciting. itis way tooo freaking cold in wales for any wild life. What are you doing during the day? I miss you, tell me what you learn about heyena pseudo penises (i am serious)
i lied i have seen 8 billion sheep,all colors and sizes. Black,white,blue, purple but not as cool sa hippos
Dont forget cade you promised me a little lion whether it be full grown or jsut a cub, although i would prefer one that is a little smaller. It seems your having a blast and the more i hear about it the more i want to see it myself.
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