Africa Extravaganza

11 March 2006

Well, dudes, not that many exciting things have been happening this week. To me, anyways. One of our trucks was almost run over by the elephants, but I wasn't on that one. I did get to see Zero chase Mpho off a giraffe kill, which was quite impressive I must say. And I swear I thought that I posted pictures last week for you all to enjoy, but apparently it didn't go through. I wasn't expecting to be on the internet today--we were going to start the first phase of our cheetah energetics project. We were about to inject meat with doubly labeled water and feed it to some captive cheetahs when all hell broke loose at the place we were at and they called it off. I think there was a real emergency with their cheetahs--people were running around like crazy. I suspect there was a big big problem there. I'll let you know more when I find out myself. Anyways, I'm still here and having fun, so don't worry about me just yet. And be good without me, please.


At 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are having fun, and especially glad that you are not in the place with the crazy cheetah incident.


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha.... homo.....

yeah, when are you coming home?

do you like how I always leave comments that don't have to do with your blog cady?

last night I stayed up until 2 am graphing things on mathematica on my computer just because I was having fun. I even tripped out my computer by asking it to do something it did not have enough memory to do! and now I am tired.

i'm glad you didn't die.

At 3:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait... i wanted to leave a picture behind my blue name... i have to try again...

At 3:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ack! why is it not working?

At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fine. be that way. see if i care. i also can't figure out how to edit my comment. maybe it is impossible.


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