Africa Extravaganza

21 March 2006

Oh, Zero, you're such a daddy!

I guess its true that a not very exciting week here is way more exciting than back home. I can't even tell you guys how nice it is for each day to be so dramatically different than the one before it. Last saturday we went out for a posh dinner at one of the lodges and returned around midnight to our humble little farmhouse only to find Zero lounging on the volleyball court and Lisa in the braai (barbeque) area sniffing at the windows of our lounge. I spent all last week in the mountains, doing invertebrate surveys (hooray!). Yesterday we enticed a golden baboon spider out of her hole and we played with her for awhile. She's a big taratula, very beautiful and freaky looking, but when I held her, she just felt like fuzzy air on my hand. Holding millepedes is way more disturbing. I finally saw Maggie's cubs yesterday, and I must say that they are adorable. I think if the whole pride had been there then I would have just jumped off the truck and joined them. I could deal with catcing zebra with my teeth. Although for those of you who want me to smuggle cubs out, Maggie and Lisa both will not let me for sure. They won't even let little Mpho within a fifteen meter radius of them. Yesterday morning we also spent thirty minutes watching giraffees fighting. It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my life. And I spent a day in Kruger and ate elephant biltong (jerky).

I'm about to leave my fantastic game reserve heaven and go off with my adventourous Anne for two weeks and then I'll be back in the States again on April 9th. So plan a party.


At 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am an idiot. I should have planned to come for those two weeks too.

In my own way, my weekend was exciting. Maybe tadpoles, snakes and bear tracks(on a camping trip) aren't exciting compared to your lion cubs, fighting giraffes, and elephant jerky (in your yard), but it beats sitting in a cubical 8 hours a day.

PS: maybe you can bring some jerky back instead of lion cubs

At 12:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo! elephant jerky!!! cady i cleaned your fish tank. it is looking beautiful. I am tired and have an organic II test tomorrow. We will plan a par-tay for you for sure. we can have it at my house. or your parents' house. or wherever. i would write more but i best get back to studying.

At 9:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cynthia drove me to the airport the other day (she is so nice) to go to Madison, (which I really liked), and we discussed party plans. We will definately make it happen.
A week in the mountains doing invertebrate surveys sounds fabulous--what kinds of things did you find?
I can't wait to see you.
Have you seen any pygmy hippos?

At 11:36 AM, Blogger anna said...

Your activities sound so exciting, I am really jealous about that invert survey. So far I am just getting instructions thrown at me.

At 5:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

cady, could you please tell anna that it is mean that you have to sign up on blogspot to leave a comment on her blog, and she should set it to allow anonymous comments? Also, somehow now there are 6 snails in the tank. I don't know where they came from. Are they bad? Should I slaughter them mercilously? Or let them go about their plant/ algae eating business?


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